Hi there very happy to see you all again. Day by Day increase in temprature effect evey thing, Bike traveller suffer most in hot wind. Many of us think to buy a new or used car but worry about the expense that going to add in our monthly list, biggest tension of increasing petrol price. Today we have a solution that help, to stable our monthly expense after buying a car.
CNG or Electric cars are the only two option that reduce the transportations cost. Electric car the latest and trending product in the market also the initial cost of car is not affordable, but the CNG cars are available from long time with good amount of CNG pump across the country.
Companies are developing advance technology in CNG engines, Earlier stage CNG equipped car need petrol to ignite engine after that conveted to CNG but now direct start engine from CNG. CNG engien did't operate independently yet petrol engine are equipped with CNG tanks that work on CNG, but let's see in future companies will develope engine that operate only on CNG.
Problem with CNG
CNG did't reach to every point like the petrol and diesel pump are available every where rural or urban areas. Slowly slowly CNG start reaching to rural area pumps, in big cities CNG is easily available. CNG produce less pollution then petrol or diesel.
Will CNG replace Petrol or Diesel ?
If I want to gave answer to this question, At current the answer is big no, because CNG did't reach to every places. But in future definitely it will, because some trucks are also comes with CNG tanks and we all know trucks are the most important part of transportation. A lot of cars are available in CNG, we can buy and run them at bike expense because CNG is cheaper and produce more average that petrol or diesel cars.
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