Hi there very happy to see you all again. Buying car is most memorable part of life, a lot of money you are going to invest at one place with lot research before buying it. We have a basic nature that first we saw the design of car if it attract us then we saw its features and in last we check about safety or sometime we don't. Safety features or build quality of the car is most important now days because the car equipped with powerful engines and we ask for more mileage both things can't happen equally. Next time you research for a new car or going to buy please check build quality and safety features because it is the matter of our family life.
Hyundai Creat comes under the crash test which was done by Global n cap a agency which is responsible to give Indian car safety rating after crash test. There is nothing more expect than this from creat because in the mean time after launch of creat we saw a lot of accident photo's or videos in which car get lot of damage in small impact.
If you buy a car that with starting price of 10 Lakhs and top model around 20 Lakhs, this is big money and after that on name of safety you have only 3 star is not acceptable. In global n cap crash test Creat score 3 Star safety rating, at least on this price range we have 4 or 5 star safety rated car.
Hyundai creat is most popular car and customers have 1 year waiting period after booking this SUV. The crash test was done with the base model and always base modes is used for crash test of every car it doesn't matter it is a BMW or Maruti 800. Creta crash test done on speed of 64 Km/h with 2 air bags and in child occupancy it scores 3 star safety rating.
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