Hi there very happy to see you all again here. Our life mostly dependent on Electricity and Energy, all the electronic products that we use in our daily life some work on electricity and other need stored power like small or big battries. Everything or Every product has its expiration date so they need time to time maintainance. Sometime they work after small repair or sometime we need to replace them.
As the new cars get latest features a lot of electronic parts and wires are used in it. Same with the key of car that we carry in pocket's, it work on small circular type battery that longer life for 3-4 year or it may reduce according to our usage. If we went out to replace these battries or at time of service it cost a lot. Why we go out for such a small thing when we do it at home .
Steps To Follow
- Check the key ab back part there is small nut must be there.
- Open that nut, if there is no nut try to open it directly because it has snap fit lock.
- When key open some of key we got another box type open that directly battery is inside.
- Some time we direclty see the the battery, remove that and take to nearest watch shop and ask for the new battery
- Price may vary from different to different keys, approx price will be 80 - 100 Rs.
- Take that new battery and fit inside the key.
- Now our smart key start working again smartly.
- Just as simple it is.
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