There are about 60,799 petrol pump in India . There about 60 Crore liter petrol or diesel used in India daily . Every customer get fraud on petrol pump without there lack of awareness . When you go to petrol pump you need to aware otherwise you get fraud and you did't able to understand . Today we tell you 5 ways how petrol pump fraud you . After we also tell you how to aware from them . This will help you for next time when you go to petrol pump to refill your 2 wheeler or 4 wheeler . The fraud of 5 ml ,10 ml you can't able to catch them .
1. Simple and mostly time used .
Fraud :
The first and simple fraud type . When you went to petrol pump to refill you car . You did't get out from car said inside to fill petrol . The worker start filling from the same reading without making it to zero . This type of unawareness give you large amount of loss .
Precaution : Next time when you go for refill get out of car and be aware that reading is zero or not .
FraudWhen you go for refill you car . Take an example like you said that fill petrol of 1000 rs . He start fill and stop at 400 rs then you again give reminder that you said fill of 1000 rs . He show you that he listen of 400 . Then he again start from the same point or reading and fill 600 rs only and show that the petrol is fill . And you have loss of 400 rs .PrecautionTo be save from this fraud . If this thing happen get out car and tell him to restart the reading from zero and fill the left amount of petrol . Be Aware otherwise no one will able to safe you from this fraud
Fraud :
The most of people make this mistake many time or actually every time . when they go to refill they always fill in round figure . In round figure the machine are already fixed to give low petrol in that amount . For Example if you tell him to fill of 100 Rs always you get the petrol of only 90 Rs or 85 Rs . This fraud you will new able to understand because the machine show the correct reading .Precaution :
Never fill petrol in round figure always fill petrol in random amount like if you want petrol of 100 Rs take petrol of 90 Rs or 110 rs etc .
4. Chip used in machine .
Fraud :
The chip is the biggest fraud that you never catch . This fraud become in attention in Uttar Pardesh in many petrol pumps . This chip is control by Remote . The worker have that remote when ever chip is activate it gives less amount of petrol . If any unknown raid the worker deactivate that chip with remote and the machine start working properly .
Precaution :
Check the meter before leaving petrol pump if something went wrong complaint to police .
5. Mostly with 4 Wheeler
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